A session with Shashi

Welcome to a yoga session unlike any other, an experience that transcends the physical and delves into the depths of sensory exploration. Our class begins with thirty minutes of grounding yoga practice. Here, we unite our breath with movement, allowing the world outside to gently fade away as we turn our focus inwards.

This is the warm-up, a medley of simple yet powerful yoga exercises designed to engage your muscles, awaken your senses, and prepare your body and mind for the journey that lies ahead. We align ourselves with the rhythm of our breath, grounding into the present moment. And then, we're ready to venture into the next phase of our transformative yoga journey: blindfolded yoga.

Next comes the briefing, the introduction to the art and practice of blindfolded yoga. Imagine: the familiar structure of the Sun Salutation, each movement ingrained in your body's memory, now experienced through a new lens, or rather, the absence of one.

The Sun Salutation, a rhythmic sequence of postures that pay homage to the life-giving force of the sun, forms the backbone of this exploration. Each student must first demonstrate a profound familiarity with the Sun Salutation, the flow second nature to their body. Only then, are they permitted to embark on the next step.

As the blindfolds come on, the external world fades away, and your inner world becomes your canvas. Each asana, each transition, takes on a new dimension as your other senses awaken to compensate for the lack of sight. You're no longer just practicing yoga – you're feeling it, breathing it, living it. Every stretch, every bend, every transition is felt more acutely, more intimately.

Join us on this incredible journey as we strip away the distractions of the outer world and journey within, exploring uncharted territories of sensory experience. With every Sun Salutation, you'll uncover a new layer of awareness, a new level of connection, and a new understanding of your yoga practice. Welcome to the transformative world of blindfolded yoga. Are you ready to see yoga in a whole new light?

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