Welcome to the transformative journey of Blindfolded Yoga, a voyage that sails you towards Pratyahara, the fifth limb of Patanjali's Eight-Limbed Yoga. This unique practice of inward sensory withdrawal promises an enlightening exploration into the depths of your inner self.

But why should you embark on this profound journey? As you veil your vision, you effortlessly minimize the distractions of the external world. This inward focus cultivates tranquillity in your mind, catapulting you closer to your inner self. The result? A yoga session that transcends beyond the physical, ushering you into a serene space of introspection and peace.

Are you apprehensive? That's natural. Embrace your curiosity and start with just five minutes of blindfolded practice. As your comfort grows, so does your session, one breath at a time.

Worried about balance? No rush. Bypass the balancing poses initially and introduce them at your own pace, building your stability gradually and confidently.

Feeling claustrophobic? Hold off the blindfold until your comfort grows. Yoga is a journey, not a race.

Fearful of closing your eyes? That's okay. Begin by observing others experiencing the beauty of blindfolded yoga. As you witness their calm and focused practice, you may find your apprehensions gently fading away.

Concerned about forgetting the moves halfway through? No problem. Simply lift your eye mask as shown by our master, Shashi, and find your rhythm again.

Ready to experience the transformation that is Blindfolded Yoga? Contact Master Shashi at 91016707 or Yogini Anna at 92718650 for the latest schedule. Or visit our website's registration page to join.

Embark on this unique yoga journey that promises not just a physical practice but a journey of self-discovery and inner tranquillity. We look forward to guiding you on this transformative voyage towards your inner self.

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Blindfold Yoga