Welcome to blindfoldedyoga

Embark on the adventure of a lifetime, a journey not measured in miles but in moments of self-discovery. Close your eyes to the outside world and open them to the magical universe within. I am Shashi Rai, the founder of Blindfolded Yoga, inviting you to transcend the external and plunge into a deeply immersive inner exploration.

Feel the enchantment that lies beneath the hustle and bustle of daily life as you quiet your external senses and amplify your internal ones. Let the rhythm of your breath guide you, the beat of your heart be your compass, as you venture deeper into the realm of inner tranquillity.

Unveil the hidden dimensions of your consciousness, and encounter a new perspective on life. Together, we'll dissolve the barriers of the outer world to illuminate the radiant inner self. This is the profound power of Blindfolded Yoga, a journey that's not just about seeing, but truly experiencing.

Join us, dive within, and discover the magic that unfolds when you view the world from the inside out. Welcome to the remarkable world of Blindfolded Yoga. The journey begins within.

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